Physical Universe: 3rd Primary Cycle

(10 – 12 years old)

Find the activity that suits you best!

What’s the best airplane?

An airplane contest for all! Participants will make three types of airplane and discover the special physical properties of each.
Science : Physics

Crazy crazy cabbage juice…

Does pH mean something to you? We will measure the acidity of different products using red cabbage juice, which will instantly change colour before your eyes! Ideal for those who like mixing things up…
Science : Chemistry

Electrical association games

Batteries, wires, bulbs and… Zing!… Watch your kids makes an electric game in teams. Their apparatus will stay in the class for ongoing fun…
Science : Electricity


It’s magical! Kaleidoscope contains such colour and beauty! Discover the marvellous reflection of images, and make one to take home!
Science : Physics

Recycled paper

Recycle old newspapers and turn them into beautiful artistic cards -here’s an activity that will sensitize youth to the environment in beautiful fashion!
Science : Environment

Make your own submarine!

How do submarines dive into the depths of the sea and come up to the surface? Each student will make one of his or her own, for hours and hours of fun!
Science : Physics

What on earth is a polymer?

Your junior chemists will make slime and discover its multiple properties while having tons of fun!.
Science : Physics / Chemistry

Thanks to Archimedes, it floats!

Why does a small nail sink to the bottom of water, while a huge ship floats? Discover the principles of buoyancy through fun little experiments!
Science : Physics

Science that tingles your taste buds!

Make fizzy candy and discover the chemical reactions that cause the tingle!
Science : Chemistry

Chemical rockets

Sharpen your chemistry knowledge and use it to launch rockets! Fun guaranteed!
Science : Chemistry